What is your name?
Ana, CMA

What is your role at OSC?
I am a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) and I work with all 3 oncologists with rounding patients and coordinating care with the providers.

What is your background? Where are you from, Education?
I was born in the Dominican Republic, and at age 5 my family moved to Massachusetts, where I’ve lived the longest. I moved to Charlotte a few years ago because I was looking for better opportunities, and definitely better weather! I remember shoveling snow in my youth in Mass. I went to a vocational school where I earned my CNA (certified nurses assistant), and then to a trade school to get my RMA (registered medical assistant). I ended up working in a daycare for 8 yrs. I decided to get back to the medical field to be a medical assistant. I have thought about continuing my healthcare career by going back to school for my RN and then even further to get my NP and be a provider for patient care. I only think about it from time to time and feel like I’m good where I am unless there is an epiphany that I should enroll now in an advanced nursing education program.

What are your hobbies and interests?
Definitely crafts! I am the one who puts the names of staff on the seasonal foam shapes that are displayed on walls in both offices. I did shamrocks in March, butterflies in spring, and currently there are red, white and blue stars. I also like to spend time with family and explore new places. I am into baking.

What is something you cannot have enough of? 
Perfumes and sprays, especially the body sprays from Bath & Bodyworks.

What is your favorite season? Why? 
Summer- I love the warmth, sun, and being outside.

What is your favorite cake?
Strawberry shortcake, which now is the season for it!

What travel destination do you have on your bucket list?
To go back to my birth country, Dominican Repbulic. I am actually planning this for October.

What movie have you watched multiple times? 
The Fifth Element for sure, but also Man on Fire and The Mask.

If you were given a car, any car of your choice, what would that be?
An Audi SUV.

published: Aug. 1, 2023, 9:36 a.m.

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